Fujisawa Net Museum




"Enoshima Kinkizan Sangu Sai-ken-no-zu"




latter half of the Edo period This drawing is a detailed depiction of the entire island of Enoshima. It is drawn from the north side of Enoshima, but also includes the south side iwaya, which would normally be hidden from view, so that the entire island is included in the painting. Kinkizan is another name for Enoshima Island. In the second year of Keian (1649), Iwamotoin Temple, which had been a branch of the main shrine, became a direct subsidiary temple of Ninnaji Temple of the Omuro school of the Shingon sect in Kyoto, and took the name "Kinkizan Yoganji Temple" In early Ukiyo-e woodblock prints, Enoshima Island was often depicted as a representation of Mount Horai, which is said to exist on the back of a sacred turtle, and since the actual shape of the island is said to resemble a turtle, Enoshima Island seems to have been firmly associated with a turtle.


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