Fujisawa Net Museum




Title unknown (Kobayashi Asahina, Kudo Saemon Suketsune, Tagoshi no Kisegawa and Yakko Takohei)


Utagawa Kunisada(Utagawa ToyokuniⅢ)  1857 The depicted scene shows the enemy of the Soga brothers, Kudo Saemon Suketsune and his group, flying a kite. This play is called Soga-mono (plays related to the Soga brothers). This play is part of a series of works that the Soga brothers appear in. Although this scene doesn’t directly depict the Soga brothers. Soga-mono plays are often performed as part of new year festivities. Kunisada came up with a very witty composition where three ukiyo-e works are arranged in an irregular way.


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