Fujisawa Net Museum




Kajiwara Kegesue, Hatakeyama Shigetada, Sasaki Takatsuna, Taishi Kobashita; from the series “Courageous Leaders in Thirty-six Battles”


Utagawa Kuniyoshi 1849 A scene from Battle of Uji is depicted. The depicted worriers riding on horses are Sasaki Takatsuna and Kajiwara Kagesue. They are riding on horses to cross the Uji River. During the battle, each worrier had vowed to be the first to cross the river and reach the enemy on the other bank. Then, Takatsuna tricked Kagesue by warning him that his horse’s saddle girth was loose. While Kagesue was checking the saddle girth, Takatsuna moved his horse ahead in the river. Kagesue soon realized that he got tricked by Takatsuna, and rushed into the river, but Takatsuna won this race and he became the first person to cross the river.


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