Fujisawa Net Museum




Kyo : imperial palace , from the series “Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaidou”


Utagawa Hiroshige The production date:1840 In this series, two Kyo pictures are created. This picture illustrates, “Kenrei-mon”, the gate in the south of the Emperors palace. In front of the gate are two men in “Sokutai (a special costume that allowed noble men to enter the Emperor’s court. A kind of formal dress from the Heian period(circa 8th to 12th century AD), There are five men in “Kami-shimo (an Edo period formal dress of the warrior class circa 1603 to 1867 AD)” one carrying closed sun umbrella, two of them put up the umbrellas beside noblemen, and two girls from a noble class covering their heads with kimonos. Other people from various classes are also passing by.


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