Fujisawa Net Museum




Otsu , from the series “Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaidou”


Utagawa Hiroshige The production date:1840 The scene of Ishiba Ferry, which was located at Otsu side of the Lake Biwa is illustrated. For the distant view, mountain range of Mt. Hiei and Hira Mountains are illustrated. If travelers want to take the land route to get to the Otsu post station from Kusatsu post station, they had to detour and travel the southern side of Lake Biwa. Thus, travelers who were in hurry crossed the lake from Yabase Ferry located at the side of Kusatsu post station to Ishiba. Otsu post station was flourished as a port town of the Lake Biwa, and known as the biggest post station along the Toukaidou Highway. Full of luggage unloaded from the ships suggests this post station was flourished with many people.


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