Fujisawa Net Museum




Title unknown (“Shiranami Gonin Otoko (Five Notorious Thieves)”, from the kabuki play “Aoto-Zoushi Hana no Nishiki-e”)


Yoshiiku Ochiai


Ochiai Yoshiiku In this picture, surrounded by the three thieves, Benten Kozou, Nihon Daemon, and Nangou Rikimaru, Koubei, the owner of a mercer Hamamatsu-ya is illustrated. A box that contains 1,000-ryou (“ryou” is a monetary unit, and 1,000 ryou worth about 100 million-yen at that time) is put on the floor. One of the famous scene “Kuramae” is illustrated in this picture. Following the previous “Hamamatsu-ya” scene, after two thieves left the shop once, directed by Nihon Daemon, three thieves are trying to rob all the money from the shop. Wearing women’s glorious kimono loosely, holding a sake cup on his hand, Benten Kozou who is sitting in a casual manner was illustrated as a dandy and cool thief.


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