Fujisawa Net Museum




Parody of Hyakunin Isshu (Classical Japanese anthology of 100 Japanese waka poetries by 100 poets) by O’nakatomi no Yoshinobu-ason


Utagawa Kuniyoshi The production date:1843-52 According to the plot of kabuki play of Yotsuya Kaidan, a lantern was burned down and the ghost Oiwa appeared from the lantern. However, in this picture, the lantern becomes the face of Oiwa and the smoke comes up from the bonfire is expressed as the hair of Oiwa. The horrific atmosphere is filled with the picture by the transfiguration of regular things into the scary things. The leaves and squashes come out from the cracks on the wall turns into an eerie face and the ropes hanging at the gate turn into snakes. The description in the picture indicates that the setting of “Yotsuya Kaidan”, the horror story of Yotsuya is located at Yotsuya of Fujisawa.


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