Fujisawa Net Museum




Kanagawa: Shuchou, from the series “Fifty-three Stations Paring along the Toukaidou Highway with Parody of Actors”


Utagawa Kunisada(Utagawa Toyokuni Ⅲ) The production date:1837 In this series of the Toukaidou Highway, Kunisada illustrated a standing beauty at the foreground with the landscape of each post station on the background. For the whole series, Kunisada used the same composition of the landscapes of Hiroshige’s Hoeidou version of the Toukaidou Highway series. This picture captured just the same scene, which is few second after Hiroshige’s picture. The group of people who carried a big wood sward and omiki-waku and illustrated on top of the bridge in the Hiroshige’s picture were already walked off from the bridge, and only the two women touting customers are still remained on the bridge.


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