Fujisawa Net Museum




Fujisawa: Benten Kozou Kikunosuke, from the series The Toukaidou One-thousand Ryou (monetary unit) for a Glance


Toyohara Kunichika and Utagawa Hiroshige III The production date: 1867 (Keiou 3) This work is from a series that illustrated the post stations with the portraits of kabuki actors that related to the post stations. “Hito-me Sen-ryou” indicates that the one glance values to a thousand ryou (Ryou is monetary unit of Edo period. A thousand ryou is worth today’s a hundred million yen.). The background was illustrated by Hiroshige III and the figure in front was illustrated by Kunichika. The figure illustrated is a character Benten Kozou Kikunosuke from the kabuki play “Aoto-Zoushi Hana no Nishiki-e(The Glorious Picture Book of Aoto’s Exploits)”, or more familiar title “Shiranami Gonin Otoko” (“Shiranami Five Thieves”) and he had a connection with Enoshima Island. The actor who played Benten Kozou was Ichimura Kakitsu IV (He later changed his name to Onoe Kikugorou V).


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