Fujisawa Net Museum




Seki:Koman, from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido


Seki-no-Koman from Koi Nyōbō Somewake Tazuna (The Colored Reins of a Loving Wife) is the subject of this print. This is a posthumous portrait of the actor Iwai Hanshirō VII as Seki-no-Koman. Seki-no-Koman was a geisha from Gion in Kyōto, but she became a maidservant in Seki post station after chasing after Date-no-Yosaku (No. 48), who had been disowned and became an umakata (a transporter for hire that carried people or goods on horseback). The background references Utagawa Hiroshige’s print Seki from his Tsutaya edition of the “Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō Highway” series.  A procession moving along the Tōkaidō Highway is depicted passing beside an ichiri-zuka, a mound situated every 1-ri (3.9km) on both sides of the Tōkaidō Highway as mileposts. Typically, trees such as hackberry or pine were planted on these mounds.



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