Fujisawa Net Museum




Akasaka:Sawai Matagorou, from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido


Sawai Matagorō (No. 31), the antagonist in the revenge story “Igagoe Dōchū Sugoroku,” and Sawai Sukehei (No.32), his retainer and courier. No. 31 is thought to depict Sukehei in a scene in which he gets upset in front of a tea shop after seeing through a spyglass that his favored courtesan is making love with another customer at the Yoshida-juku. Sawai Matagorō is not in this scene in the play, but the background of No.31 continues onto No. 32. The actor playing Sawai Matagorō is Matsumoto Kōshirō VI, and Sawai Sukehei is played by Bandō Mitsuemon I. Both were already deceased at the time of publication.



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