Fujisawa Net Museum




Large-size Picture Book of Enoshima Island


Edited by Shamon Insei 1759 (Houreki 9) The stories, .legends or the any contents related to the Enoshima Island were compiled in this two volume book with many illustrations. Various characteristics and episodes of Enoshima Island, such as its genesis that the island sprung out from the ocean were in this book. Also the legends and autobiographies of the various people especially the figures related to the religious trainers and a notable mystic En-no-Gyouja were all compiled in this book. There is a legend that Enoshima Island is connected to Mt. Fuji by a tunnel and in this book, there is also an episode note of “Nitta no Nukeana (the secret tunnel of Nitta)”. According to this note, “There used be a shape of hole at the southern rock wall of Yama Futasu (two mountains) in Enoshima Island but it disappeared today. It is said, Nitta no Tadatsune, who was a subject of the general Minamono-no Yoritomo, went into a tunnel that starts from Mt. Fuji and came out from the opening at the hillside of a mountain of Enoshima Island.”The place of the hole is also indicated at the map in the book.



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