Fujisawa Net Museum




Okabe: Rokuyata, from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido


Depicts a character from the second act, “Hayashi Sumika,” of “Ichi-no-tani Futaba-gunki,” which is based on the battle of Ichi-no-tani in the Genpei War. It is set in the house of Hayashi, the nanny of Kiku no Mae, the forgiving wife of Taira no Tadanori (No. 43). In this scene, Okabe no Rokuyata (No. 16), a retainer of Minamoto no Yoshitsune, comes to Taira no Tadanori, who was known as an excellent poet, to tell him that his waka poems have been included in the “Senzai Wakashū” but listed as “author unknown.” No. 15, Tagohei, Hayashi's own son, goes into battle with his father's sword, a cherished memento, and becomes a scout who follows Okabe no Rokuyata on the battlefield. Okabe no Rokuyata is depicted by Arashi Kichisaburō III, and Tagohei by Kataoka Ichizō.



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