Fujisawa Net Museum


東海道五十三次内 御油
東海道五十三次内 御油


Fifty-three Stations of the Toukaidou Highway Goyu


Utagawa Yoshikazu The production date: 1853 (Kaei 6) The local sweet of Futagawa post station is kashiwa-mochi, a sweet dumpling wrapped with the leave of oak. A man sitting at a bench of teahouse is a pilgrim who visited the Kompira Shrine of Kagawa prefecture. As the custom of pilgrimage to Kompira Shrine, a mask of Tengu, a human-like imaginary creature lives in the deep mountain is strapped on his back. At Goyu post station, a traveler was stopped by a woman. This type of woman is called Tome-on’na (a woman employee of inn who compulsorily tries to bring the traveler to her inn.). Since Goyu post station is only 1.7km away from the next Akasaka post station, the Tome-on’na of Goyu station were desperate and tried very hard to bring the customer by pulling the sleeves of travelers. Many Utagawa school ukiyo-e artists published the series “Fifty-three Stations of the Toukaidou Highway”. In this distinctive series, Yoshikazu introduced the legends and episodes that related to the post stations of the Toukaidou Highway humorously. Generally, he produced humorous pictures with horizontal small ko-ban size format. Utagawa Yoshikazu Date of birth and death unknown Yoshikazu was a pupil of Utagawa Kuniyoshi and active from the Kaei era till Meiji 3 (1848~1870). He also used the artist names such as Shunsai and Ichikawa. He produced many worrier pictures, kacho-ga (pictures of birds and flowers), and Yokohama-e (ukiyo-e depicting foreigner’s life styles or the scenes of Yokohama). He also produced illustrations of kusa-zoshi (books with illustrations ).



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