Fujisawa Net Museum


東海道五十三次内 浜松
東海道五十三次内 浜松


Fifty-three Stations of the Toukaidou Highway Hamamatsu


Utagawa Yoshikazu The production date: 1853 (Kaei 6) At Hamamatsu Station, a hairdresser is pulling a customer's hair so hard that his eyes are turned upward. This is a scene from an episode in Shank’s Mare Tour of the Toukaidou Highway that takes place in the village of Yamada in Ise Province. Arai Station was famous for its grilled eel and seafood dishes. The Arai ferry crossing was also called Imakiri (literally meaning “cut now”). A man whose his finger is bitten by a snapping turtle goes up to ask none other than the eel chef to cut it off for him. Many Utagawa school ukiyo-e artists published the series “Fifty-three Stations of the Toukaidou Highway”. In this distinctive series, Yoshikazu introduced the legends and episodes that related to the post stations of the Toukaidou Highway humorously. Generally, he produced humorous pictures with horizontal small ko-ban size format. Utagawa Yoshikazu Date of birth and death unknown Yoshikazu was a pupil of Utagawa Kuniyoshi and active from the Kaei era till Meiji 3 (1848~1870). He also used the artist names such as Shunsai and Ichikawa. He produced many worrier pictures, kacho-ga (pictures of birds and flowers), and Yokohama-e (ukiyo-e depicting foreigner’s life styles or the scenes of Yokohama). He also produced illustrations of kusa-zoshi (books with illustrations ).



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