Fujisawa Net Museum


東海名所 改正道中記 十七 吉原
東海名所 改正道中記 十七 吉原


Yoshiwara: The View of Mt. Fuji Appears from the Left, from the series, “Famous Places along Toukai: Chronicle of the Renewed Japan”


Utagawa HiroshigeⅢ The production date:1875 Since the Toukaidou Highway extends along the coastline of Pacific Ocean, if a traveler moves from Tokyo to the direction of Kyoto, Mt. Fuji usually appears from the right. However, occasionally at the section where the road is greatly curved, Mt. Fuji appears from left, and people call this scenery as “hidari Fuji”, literally means left Mt. Fuji. There are two places along the Toukaidou Highway where people can enjoy the view of hidari Fuji, one is Yoshiwara (Shizuoka City) and the other is Nango (Chigasaki City). The composition of the road winds from the foreground on the left to the back, and the Mt. Fuji illustrated on the left among the pine wood resembles to the work of Hiroshige I. During the Meiji period, the electric poles were laid along the highway and the view of the famous hidari Fuji changed its scenery.



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