Fujisawa Net Museum


東海名所 改正道中記 十 大磯
東海名所 改正道中記 十 大磯


Revised Famous Views Along the Tōkai No.10: Shigitatsu-zawa Marsh, Ōiso


Utagawa Hiroshige III


Utagawa HiroshigeⅢ The production date:1875 The illustrated scenery is Shigitatsu-sawa, a place famous with its great scenic view. At the foreground, people walk along the Highway lined with pine trees and the Sagami Bay extends on the background. At the foot of a pine tree, a group of pilgrims are taking a rest. Even today, many pine trees are lined along the Toukaidou Highway (National Route 1) in Oiso. A man riding a horse looks like a westerner. At the time, foreigners who stayed at the foreign settlement of Yokohama were restricted to travel around and permitted to travel only about 40 km from the settlement. Fujisawa station was located within the permitted distance, therefore there might be a chance that foreign travelers actually visit Fujisawa as illustrated.



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