Fujisawa Net Museum


東海名所 改正道中記 六 程ヶ谷
東海名所 改正道中記 六 程ヶ谷


Revised Famous Views Along the Tōkai No.6: Rest Stop at Sakaigi, Hodogaya


Utagawa Hiroshige III


Utagawa HiroshigeⅢ The production date:1875 The view of Sakaigi, after climbing up the Gonta-zaka Slope is illustrated in this picture. Tateba is a rest spot between post stations. This place was the border (Sakai means border in Japanese) of Musashi Province (Hodogaya post station) and Sagami Province (Totsuka station) and known for its steep slope. The teahouse at the top of the slope was famous for botamochi, a rice ball coated with sweetened red beans and the travelers enjoyed the great view with the Kamakura-yama in a distance. In the middle of the picture, the utility pole was built using a natural tree. A group of people, illustrated in front, wearing the same straw hats and hanten (a traditional jacket) and carrying a omiki-waku (a water and lacquer container) are the pilgrims from Mt. Oyama. The modern items such as two wheeled cart and utility pole of the Meiji period, and the traditional view of the pilgrimage to Mt. Oyama are merged in this picture.



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