Fujisawa Net Museum


東海名所 改正道中記 五 神奈川
東海名所 改正道中記 五 神奈川


Revised Famous Views Along the Tōkai No.5: Waiting Area for the Steam Train, Kanagawa


Utagawa Hiroshige III


Utagawa HiroshigeⅢ The production date:1875 This picture illustrates the landscape with the Aoki Bridge that located at the Kanagawa Ward of Yokohama city. This bridge was the first kosenkyou, the bridge that crossed over the railway built in Japan. When the railway track was built, it had to cross over the Toukaidou Highway by developing the hill around this area. In order to avoid to cut the Highway, this bridge was build and the Toukaidou Highway stayed as before. Today’s Aoki Bridge was reconstructed in 1971. This picture illustrates the landscape with the Aoki Bridge that located at the Kanagawa Ward of Yokohama city. This bridge was the first kosenkyou, the bridge that crossed over the railway built in Japan. When the railway track was built, it had to cross over the Toukaidou Highway by developing the hill around this area. In order to avoid to cut the Highway, this bridge was build and the Toukaidou Highway stayed as before. Today’s Aoki Bridge was reconstructed in 1971.



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