Fujisawa Net Museum


東海道一卜眼千両 藤沢 弁天小僧菊之助
東海道一卜眼千両 藤沢 弁天小僧菊之助


Fujisawa: Benten Kozou Kikunosuke, from the series The Toukaidou One-thousand Ryou (monetary unit) for a Glance


Toyohara Kunichika and Utagawa Hiroshige III The production date:1867 Chirimen picture looks like a small size regular nishiki-e or the polychrome print at first glance, but if you look at it very closely, you would recognize the crepe effect of the surface. In fact, this picture was made by shrinking the regular size picture in order to produce the crepe effect on the surface by wrapping the picture around a stick. Chirimen pictures were mass produced for export and it was called “crepe Japon” since this type of textile was called “crepe” in French. Sometimes it was called in an abbreviated style “kure-pon”. It was sold at a reasonable price, and a famous painter Vincent van Gogh also collected many chirimen pictures.



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