Fujisawa Net Museum


東海道 白須賀(上洛東海道)
東海道 白須賀(上洛東海道)


Shirasuka, from series of “Tokaido”


Utagawa Kunitsuna 1863 the procession moving along the Toukaidou Highway is illustrated. The slope that the procession is climbing is called Shiomi-zaka Slope. This slope was famous with its great scenic view of Enshu Nada (The Sea of Enshu) and known as the place where travelers from Kyoto can enjoy the view of Mt. Fuji for the first time. This is one of the series of “Jouraku Toukaidou (Samurai’s procession along the Toukaidou Highway)”. From the title, the man standing by the shore is assumed as Tokugawa Iemochi. However, since illustrating Tokugawa Shogun was prohibited during the Edo period, in this series, Minamoto-no Yoritomo, the first military leader from Kamakura period is related to this figure.



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