Fujisawa Net Museum


東海道張交図会 日坂 懸川 袋井(山藤版)
東海道張交図会 日坂 懸川 袋井(山藤版)


Nissaka, Kakegawa, and Fukuroi, from the series “Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Highway”


Utagawa Hiroshige 1856 ‘Nissaka’ illustrates a dialogue scene between two historical figures, Kusunoki Masashige and his son Masatsura. ‘Kakegawa’ illustrates the pilgrimage street to the Akiha Jinja Shrine at the Mikura-gawa River. ‘Fukuroi’ illustrates a design of the Sakuraga-ike Pond where, according to legend, a dragon god dwells. Hiroshige produced many series of prints based on the Toukaidou Highway, and he also produced the different styles of work as this one. It is generally called “The Toukaidou with Harimaze-e (Paste the mixed pictures.)”, and three to five pictures of landscapes of post stations, local specialties and episodes or stories related to the places are illustrated in a single sheet.



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