Fujisawa Net Museum


東海道張交図会 平塚 大磯 小田原 箱根(山藤版)
東海道張交図会 平塚 大磯 小田原 箱根(山藤版)


Hiratsuka, Oiso, Odawara, and Hakone,from the series “Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido Highway”


Utagawa Hirshige 1856 Hiratsuka’ illustrates a view dominated by Mount Koma-yama. ‘Oiso’ illustrates the statue of the Priest Saigyo Hoshi who is related to the brook of Shigitatsu-sawa. ‘Odawara’ illustrates Ume plum and Ikatataki, chopped squid. Ikatataki is also called Shiorakara, the salt pickled squid. At the Odawara Post Station, together with Ume-boshi, pickled ume plum, they were famous and popular specialities. ‘Hakone’ illustrates the view of ‘To-no-sawa’, which was a popular hot spring spot since the Edo period. Hiroshige produced many series of prints based on the Toukaidou Highway, and he also produced the different styles of work as this one. It is generally called “The Toukaidou with Harimaze-e (Paste the mixed pictures.)”, and three to five pictures of landscapes of post stations, local specialties and episodes or stories related to the places are illustrated in a single sheet.



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