Fujisawa Net Museum


五十三次名所図会 八 平塚(竪絵東海道)
五十三次名所図会 八 平塚(竪絵東海道)


Hiratsuka: Ferries of Banyu River, A Distant View of O-yama, from the series, Views of Famous Places in Fifty-three Stations of the Toukaidou (the Toukaidou in Vertical Pictures)


Utagawa Hiroshige The production date: 1855 (Ansei 2) Publisher: Tsutaya Kichizou At the vertical picture series, ferry of the Banyu River is illustrated. The glorious view is illustrated with Mt. Oyama in the middle of rear ground and the Mt. Fuji on the left. At the Hiratsuka post station, ferries crossing the Banyu River (the name of the lower river of Sagami River) are illustrated. Until a wood bridge was constructed in Meiji period, ferry was the major transportation and travel system to cross this River. In this picture, a view of ferries crossing the Banyu River along the Toukaidou Highway between Yanagi-shima (Chigasaki city) Harbor and Suka (Hiratsuka city) Harbor is illustrated.



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