Fujisawa Net Museum


東海道五十三図会七 藤沢(美人東海道)
東海道五十三図会七 藤沢(美人東海道)


Seventh, Fujisawa, from the series Fifty-three Stations of the Toukaidou Highway (Toukaidou with Beauties)


Utagawa Hiroshige The production date: 1848-1852 (Kouka 4-Kaei 5) Publisher: Fujikei (Fujiya Keijirou) Since the women in the pictures are illustrated in a large size in the front, this series is called “Toukaidou with Beauties”. Today, Hiroshige is best known as a premier landscape painter, but he was also known for his supreme paintings of the beauties. It is assumed that this woman is on the way back from Enoshima Island, since there is a note at the right edge, underneath the title, and it indicates “The Pilgrimage to Enoshima Island of Sagami Province”. Inside of the containers put on the basket palanquin beside the woman was an Enoshima’s local specialty, the abalone pickled in sake lees. At the upper part of the picture, the scenery of Fujisawa post station with Mt. O-yama on the back is illustrated.



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