Fujisawa Net Museum


東海道五十三対 島田
東海道五十三対 島田


Shimada, from the series “Fifty-three Pairings for the Toukaidou Highway”


Utagawa Kunisada(Utagawa ToyokuniⅢ) Production date:1844-47 Since there were no bridges around and no ferry ports along the Oi River that flows between Shimada post station and Kanaya post station, kachi-watashi (men porters carried travelers to cross the river) was the only way to cross the river. Since Oi River often swelled by the rain, this river was considered the severe spot along the Toukaidou. In the picture, a giant sumou wrestler is riding on the carrier, and the 12 porters carry him. Since this sumou wrestler wears sword and possesses a decorative smoking pipe, he is assumed as the exclusive wrestler hired and sponsored by a certain domain.



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