Fujisawa Net Museum


東海道五十三次 七 藤沢
東海道五十三次 七 藤沢


Seventh: Fujisawa, from the series “Picture Book of Travelling along Post Stations with the Jingle of the Katsushika Hokusai


Katsushika Hokusai The Production date: c.1811 (c.Bunka 8) This picture is from a series “Picture Book of Travelling along Post Stations with the Jingle of the Bell” . Bigger than the typical Hokusai’s series of the Toukaidou Highway, this work was produced in chu-ban size. In the picture, the scene of oxen and a man leading the oxen walking on a beach with the background of the Enoshima Island and Mt. Fuji is illustrated. The transportation by oxen, instead of horses was an actual custom of the Shichiri-ga-hama Beach.



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