Fujisawa Net Museum


歌川広重 東海道之内江之嶋路片瀬自七面山見浜辺
歌川広重 東海道之内江之嶋路片瀬自七面山見浜辺


The Applroachi to Enoshima Island: A Scenic View of the Beach from Shichimen-zan, Katase, from the series “The Toukaidou Highway”


Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige 1834 This work, although deviated from the main theme of this exhibition, illustrates the landscape of the Enoshima Island viewed from Katase, and it is from the same series of the work No.37 (Only two works from the same series are discovered today). The Enoshima Island is illustrated with the composition as if to look down from a height, and Shichimen-zan is illustrated in the front. In the middle landscape, between Enoshima Island and Shichimen-zan, houses around Ryukouji Temple are illustrated. People walking toward to the Enoshima Island on the sandbar appears at the time of low tide are illustrated as dots. Katase is the land facing Enoshima Island, but it is rare that this place is illustrated as the motif of picture, thus the composition of this picture is distinctive. The Shichimen-zan in the title is the mountain illustrated at the left where travelers are taking a rest and it is located at the back of Ryukouji Temple of the Nichiren-sect.



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