Fujisawa Net Museum


歌川広重 本朝名所 相州江ノ嶋岩屋之図
歌川広重 本朝名所 相州江ノ嶋岩屋之図


The Iwaya (Sea Cave) of Enoshima Island in Sagami Province, from the series The Famous Places of Japan


Utagawa Hiroshige The date of production: 1832 (Tempou 3) Publisher: Fujioka-ya Hikotarou The mysterious iwaya, the sea cave in Enoshima Island had been illustrated in various ways. At the center of this work, the big crash of a wave about to catch figures is illustrated in a dynamic composition. We can see Hiroshige’s playful expression from the personification of the wave. At that time, the pilgrims often paid homage to the shrine located in the sea cave, but occasionally the pass to the sea cave was closed because of the big waves.



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