Fujisawa Net Museum


歌川広重 六十余州名所図会 相模江之嶋岩屋ノロ
歌川広重 六十余州名所図会 相模江之嶋岩屋ノロ


The Gate of Iwaya (Sea Cave) of Enoshima Island in Sagami Province, from the series Famous Places in Sixty-odd Provinces


Utagawa Hiroshige The Production date: 1834-1856 (Kaei 6-Ansei 3) Publisher: Echi-Hei (Echizen-ya Heizaburou) Hiroshige chose “The Gate of Iwaya (sea cave)” of Enoshima Island as the representative landscape of Sagami province in the series “Sixty Views of Famous Places” that introduced the nation-wide famous places. As this series, many of Hiroshige’s works produced in his late year of his career during 1844 to 1858, when he was forty-eight to sixty-two, he produced many works in vertical prints. He was searching for new compositions of space that cannot be achieved by the expressions in horizontal prints at the end of his career.



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