Fujisawa Net Museum


北尾重政 浮絵江之島金亀山并七里ヶ浜鎌倉山之図
北尾重政 浮絵江之島金亀山并七里ヶ浜鎌倉山之図


Perspective Picture: A View of Kinkizan at Enoshima Island and Mt. Kamakura at Shichiri-ga-hama Beach


Kitao Shigemasa 1781~89 Shigemasa was the founder of Kitao-school and he produced many actor prints. During the An’ei and Ten’mei era (c.1772-1789), he produced pictures of classical and elegant beauties. He produced many illustrations in the book style print hanpon but he did not produced much polychrome Ichimai-e or single sheet print, such as this work. As for landscape paintings, he produced perspective picture uki-e to draw landscape. This work is also an uki-e and in this work, he used bird’s-eye view composition as if to look down the landscape from the higher position and illustrated the parts that cannot be observed in the regular composition.



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