Fujisawa Net Museum




Suzuka Pass, between Sakanoshita and Tsuchiyama: Kijin Omatsu, from the series “Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō Highway”


Omatsu is a fictional figure with various legends passed down through stories and kabuki plays. Omatsu asks for help from her husband's friend to avenge his death, the friend instead attempts to woo her, and she instinctively stabs him with her dagger. After this incident, her personality completely changes, and she becomes a thief. The actor who plays Omatsu in this print is Bandō Shūka I. The background depicts Suzuka River along the mountain roads of the Suzuka Pass, and is referencing Utagawa Hiroshige’s print Tsuchiyama from his Tsutaya edition of the “Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō Highway” series.



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