Fujisawa Net Museum




Miya :Kagekiyo, from the series “Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō Highway”


At the background of this picture, the scene of a festival that took place at Atsuta Shrine of Miya is illustrated and this scene was copied from Hiroshige’s work. The figure in front is Ichikawa Danjurou VIII as Kagekiyo. Kagekiyo was a brave warrior who served for Heike family, and there is a legend that Kagekiyo used to live in Miya secretly. There is even a place to enshrine Kagekiyo, therefore people suspected that he was related to this place. Hitomaru of Narumi often appeared in the stories of kabuki play and Youkyoku (the chant of Noh play) as Kagekiyo’s daughter.



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