Fujisawa Net Museum




No.4, from the series “Silkworm Cultivation”


“Kaiko Yashinai-sō” (How to Grow Silkworms) is a collection of twelve paintings by Katsukawa Shunshō and Kitao Shigemasa who worked on six paintings each. This is the fourth work that depicts the process of growing silkworms, taking threads, making silk threads, and selling them. In the upper part, there is an explanation of the scene: “The fourth sleep of silkworms is called the big sleep. People make preparations while waiting for the silkworms to wake up.” Silkworms shed their skin four times. As they stop moving during the shedding, it is called “sleep.” The scene shows the fourth shedding (fourth sleep). After shedding four times, silkworms grow bigger and make cocoons. Katsukawa Shunshō studied under Miyagawa Shunsui and Kō Sūkoku and was famous for his woodblock prints, illustrations in woodblock-printed books, and nikuhitsu-ga. In particular, his paintings of actors were highly appreciated for their realistic portraits, different from the traditional Torii School method.



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