Fujisawa Net Museum


Utagawa Hiroshige  1855 he scenery of pine-tree-lined path and porters carrying nagamochi (large wooden container) are illustrated. Since decorations of fan, parasol and gohei (The wooden wands decorated with shide, the zigzagging paper streamers, used in Shinto rituals.) are attached to the nagamochi, it is considered that they are carrying things related to auspicious occasions. The ancient site of the “Shiratori-zuka (Mound)” was believed as the cemetery of Yamato Takeru no Mikoto, a legendary prince of the Yamato dynasty. According to a legend, after Takeru no Mikoto died, he flew away from the cemetery by changing his body into a bird , thus Shiratori-zuka became the name of this place. . The ancient site of the “Shiratori-zuka ( Mound)” was believed as the cemetery of Yamato Takeru no Mikoto, a legendary prince of the Yamato dynasty. According to a legend, after Takeru no Mikoto died, he flew away from the cemetery by changing his body into a Bird, thus Shiratori-zuka became the name of this place. The series, “Views of Famous Places of Fifty-three Stations of the Toukaidou” was produced in 1855, when Hiroshige was 59 years old, and this is his last Toukaidou series. This series is also called “The Toukaidou in Vertical Pictures” since it is produced as the series of vertical pictures. It is considered the vertical composition is not suitable for landscape pictures since it is difficult to find the good balance in the space. However Hiroshige, the master of landscape pictures used this composition in a distinctive way, created the masterpiece series.

五十三次名所図会 四十六 庄野(竪絵東海道)

Shouno, The Ancient Site of the Shiratori Mound, from the series “Famous Places of the Fifty-three Stations of the Toukaidou Highway”

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