Fujisawa Net Museum


Artist: Kitagawa Utamaro 1801-1804 (Kyouwa Era), Publisher: Tsurushin This work is the series of twelve works from January to December, and the titles are all the same. Right now, nine works of the series are discovered. This work illustrates a wife of a merchant followed by a young male attendant goes to a pilgrimage to Enoshima Island. The woman wears straw hut, a coat with a black collar and an arm cover and the attendant carries their luggage by using a balance. They are dressed in the typical journey fashion of the time. This particular work is very rare and not many museums own this work, therefore even though there are some parts repaired, it is considered one of the most important ukiyo-e works for Fujisawa city. Kitagawa Utamaro Horeki 3~Bunka 3 (1753~1806) Utamaro was a pupil of Toriyama Sekien, and active during as an ukiyo-e artist from An’ei 4 till his death (1775-1806). First, he worked under the artist names of Kitagawa Toyoaki or Toyoaki. Later, around the beginning of Tenmei era, he changed name to Utamaro, and soon changed the Kanji character of Kitagawa to the presently known version. First he produced Shusho style’s Kabuki actor pictures and then produced pictures of beautiful women with Shigemasa and Kiyonaga style. Later around Kansei 3, with the sponsorship of the famous publisher Tsutaya Juzaburo’s, he completed new style, the half-length portraits of beautiful women. Utamaro became the leading artist of the pictures of beautiful women, by pursuing the ideal beauty of women, and expressing the full range of their inner lives and emotions.

喜多川歌麿 風流四季の遊 弥生の江之島詣

Pilgrimage to Enoshima Island in March, from the series Fashionable Plays of Four Seasons

Artist: Katsushika Hokusai 1830-1844 (c.Tempou era), Publisher: Eijudou Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji is the ultimate masterpieces of Hokusai, and the thirty-six pieces originally published were called “top” while the ten pieces followed the original, because of the high reputation of the series, were called “bottom”. As a total, forty-six works of this series were published. The works of Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji are classified into three categories according to the picture mood: the first category is the painting with Yamato-e style tradition, the second category is picture with the Chinese ink painting tradition and the third category is the picture with the Western perspective expression. This particular picture is classified into the Chinese ink painting tradition inherits many elements from it. The Enoshima Island is illustrated as if it is connected to the mainland, expressed in very flat way, reminds viewers of the Chinese landscape painting. Katsushika Hokusai Hōreki 10~Kaei 2 (1760~1849) Hokusai was a pupil of Katsukawa Shunsho; also said to have studied under Kano Yusen, Tsutsumi Torin, and Sumiyoshi Hiroyuki. He produced of wide variety of art and media. Later in his life, he focused more on the paintings and worked beyond the framework of the established ukiyo-e. He had students such as Hokuba, Hokkei, Hokuju and Shinsai. He had a long career period started from An’ei 8 till his death (1779-1849).

葛飾北斎 冨嶽三十六景 相州江の嶌

Enoshima Island in Sagami Province, from the series Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji

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