Fujisawa Net Museum


Utagawa Sadahide 1863 Explicación general Esta serie de carretera Toukaidou, conocida como la serie “Gojoraku Toukaidou”, fue publicada en ocasión a la procesión del Decimocuarto Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi desde Tokio hasta Kioto acontecida en 1863 (Bunkyu 3). En esta serie, todas las obras ilustran a los samuráis y las procesiones de los Daimyo. Hay 162 obras producidas en esta popular serie, ya que se ilustran no sólo las estaciones sino también los lugares famosos a lo largo de la carretera Toukaidou. Estas obras fueron producidas por los 16 artistas más famosos de aquella época incluyendo a Toyokuni III Utagawa y Hiroshige II Utagawa. The Toukaidou: Fujisawa, Yugyouji Temple In this picture, a party proceeding in front of the Yugyouji Temple is illustrated. Besides the title, the signs “The Direction for Edo” and “Kamakura Road” are indicated. In the wood beside the Yugyouji Temple, the signs ”Oguri Hall” and “The Grave of Ten Heroes of Oguri” based on the legendary tale of “Oguri-Hangan and Princess Terute” are illustrated. Below, at the right, beside the First Torii Gate to Enoshima, the indication of “Enoshima-michi (The Road to Enoshima Island)”is illustrated. As a master of bird’-eye view picture, Sadahide was conscious with the topographical contents of this land. This series was published with the event of the Fourteenth Shogun Tokugawa Iemochi’s procession from Tokyo to Kyoto (Shogun’s official visit to Emperor) that took place in 1863 (Bunkyu 3) and it is known as “Gojouraku Toukaidou (Samurai’s procession along the Toukaidou Highway)”. Iemochi’s visit was an unusual event since last time Tokugawa Shogun visited Emperor was 229 years ago when the Third Shogun Tokugawa Iemitsu visited Emperor. Therefore this event got a huge attention from the people of Edo. This series was very popular that 162 works were produced within this series. Since 16 artists from Utagawa School were involved for the production, it is considered that the publisher wanted to produce many works within a short period of time.

東海道名所之内 ふちさハ 遊行寺

Cincuenta y tres estaciones de la autopista Toukaidou Fujisawa, Templo Yugyouji

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