Fujisawa Net Museum


Artist: Utagawa Hiroshige December of 1852 (Kaei 5), Publisher: Sanoki, one of the series of thirty-six This work is from the series of Tirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji, and this is the one of the thirty six series. The impressive composition of Mt. Fuji is illustrated. Mt. Fuji covered with the white snow is situated between Koyurugi cape and Enoshima Island, appears among the exaggeratedly wild waves of a windy day across the Shichiri-ga-hama Beach. The high tides that create the strong crash of foams are contrasted with the tranquility of Mt. Fuji. The flock of bird flies across the sky that is vaguely colored in scarlet. It is considered the scenery of Shichiri-ga-hama Beach from Inamura-ga-saki cape. Hiroshige situated the lower viewpoint in order to emphasis the high tides of the waves. Beside of this series, there is a series “Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji” that deals with the views of Mt. Fuji, published in his latest year in 1859 (Ansei 6). Utagawa Hiroshige Kansei 9~Ansei 5 (1799~1858) Hiroshige was a pupil of Utagawa Toyohiro. He also studied varieties of painting styles from Kano school, nan-ga (southern Chinese painting style), and Shijō school. He was active as an ukiyo-e artist from Bunsei 1 to his death (1818~1858). He first produced pictures of beautiful women, Kabuki actors and worriers, but from the Tempō era he was acknowledged as a leading landscape artist. He published many pictures of famous places such as the series “Fifty-three Stations of the Tokaido”. Hiroshige’s the other fortes were kachoga (picture of birds and flowers) and animal pictures.

歌川広重 不二三十六景 相模七里が浜風波

The Wave of Windy Day at Shichiri-ga-hama Beach of Sagami Province, from the series Thirty-six Views of Mt. Fuji

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